Tuesday, August 01, 2006

So it appears that nobody is actually reading my blog (I know because I put a ticker on it), so what can I do about it.

I could tell all my friends and family about it, but the facts are that this is a anonymous blog. Having my friends and family read it could be embarrassing for both them and me. Even though nothing juicy has come out yet, it well could do in the future. Sort of like Nick Lachey asking Jessica Simpson to read his blog.

I could tell all the other bloggers about my new blog, but that doesn't feel right though. You see, I have been reading and commenting on some blogs for a while now, but to turn around and ask them to start reading my blog, after months of commenting seems to me to be shallow and self-promoting. I mean, why should they have to read mine just because I read theirs. They may hate me and my comments anyway.

"So what's the plan Spud" I hear you ask. Well dear reader (ie ME!) I plan on finding some new blogs, ones that I feel indifferent towards. Introducing myself with one or two insightful and yet mildly funny comments, waiting for the "who are you?" follow-up, and then unleashing the tome that is my current blog.

The only issue with this is that I have now placed my plan on this blog for all my new converters to see, thusly resulting in them hating me and never coming back to my blog.......And so the cycle continues. But at least my precious ticker will have received a few hits.


At 11:39 PM, Blogger Justin the Wikinator said...

I don't know how the funk you found my blog, but it's funny that a stranger would be the first to be empathetic to my blog's scarcity of attention. Cheers.

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

Yeah, we all hate your comments, Spud, but unfortunately you write a good blog, so I'll be back.


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