Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My opinion on cemeteries

I am fortunate enough to know what day I am going to die. Unfortunately though I am not sure what year. It was not given to me by any type of clairvoyant or mystique, but I have simply alwats known that I will die on the 22nd of August. Yes that is today.

It has it ups and downs knowing your death day. It is obviously a bit of a downer when you are in the middle or August and the day is coming up, but once you pass by the 22nd (assuming that I do not die on the way home from work) you have a clear 364 more days when you can do whatever you bloody well like, safe in the knowledge that you will not die.

Mind you, the little red-haired girl has never been comfortable with my premonitions and flat refuses to discuss my death day with me. For some reason she finds it a little creepy and so chooses to forget I ever mentioned it. I think that once again this year she will forget about this all important card, no concern, no nothin'!

But when my fateful 22nd of August finally rolls around, what will I do? I am not currently sure whether I would like to be roasted or smothered? Maybe I can do both, kind of like a Maori hangi. But in all honesty, aren't fully blown cemeteries a bit of a misuse of space. This thing is, most folks want them to be placed near to major cities so that they can visit them and all that kind of thing, but with over-population and so forth, these typical cemeteries are taking up too much room. Plus the real estate prices are now astronomical and the government may not allow pre-retiree's to use there super money for a burial plot, I mean, what exactly does the legislation mean when they mention severe financial hardship? Does death count?.

So for me folks, cemeteries are a relic, outdated and a poor use of pastoral land. Lets get everybody involved in the Hangi system! Thereby saving space and re-claiming lost culture. The best of both worlds (and no, I do not mean the spirit world). And let the only remaining cemetery be the dog cemetery out at Corrigin, because that place is sweet.

My dad, Homer (thats right, I am introducing characters too) also has a known death day, but my Mum (Marge) refuses to discuss this date also. What is it with women and emotions.

Finally I would like to leave you with a little known Australian cemetery fact. Did you know that Australia has the only cemetery in the world with street lights, the locals call it Adelaide.


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

Ah yes, the graveyard with lights. Such happy, dull memories.

Could it be that Spud too is a little superstitious, not wishing to discuss cemetries until his death day?

Then again, if it is his death day, that could bring on a car crash.

Hope not.

Anyhoo, I agree with your Hangi idea. That's what the Murris on Fraser Island used to do. Eat the deadones, capture their life-force.

Less radical perhaps is my Forests of Eternity idea where dead dudes get buried out in the sticks somewhere, but instead of a headstone they get a native tree/shrub planted above their grave.

It'd be bye-bye salinity.

And there'd be no need for fertiliser.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger hazelblackberry said...

Thanks, Spud. Fascinating as always.

At 5:49 PM, Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

What's your opinion on Ben Bloody Cousins?

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Grump Les Tiltskin said...

What's going on, Spud? Did you go on a six week holiday to the rugby world cup too?

At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, grumpy, 22nd of August? And Spud has made no appearance since? Best be checking out those fields of Eternity, mate. (BTW, nice idea. Sort of like a Pet Cemetary for grown ups).


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