Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spud Time and other excuses for not posting

I had considered going for the record for the most under-maintained blog on the internet but the wait was killing me.

Anyway, I have actually been quite busy since my last update. Not only have I actually gone and gotten myself engaged, which carries numerous tasks with it (more later), but work has been extremely busy and taken up mouch more of my time than usual. So as this shunting moves through the train yard that is my life, the little caboose that is the blog falls from the end.

So let us recap:

  • Bought engagement ring (relatively simple, slight expense but not too bad)

  • Propose (Very enjoyable, slight expense but all round top night)

  • Arrange Engagement Party (what?... Is this necessary...Cant we just be engaged a bit first..find out my opinion no longer require...somewhat expensive)

  • Arrange Engagement Party 2 (why too??...Is this necessary...Cant they just fly over here...find out again that my opinion no longer required....rather expensive)

  • Attend Engagement Party (The Broken Hill is a fine pub for engagement parties)

  • Attend Engagement Party 2 (Slightly tiring but another fine engagment party held on a boat off Sans Souci)

  • Have to shop with gift certificates (Apparently we have to buy boring items such as towels and linen......why cant we buy Xbox's, big screens and Foxtel???.....No longer give my opinion openly again)

  • Arrange Wedding (what????...Cant we just be engaged a bit first.....Find our my opinion really is no longer require.....EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE)

As noted, work has been piling up throughout this whole process as well and the little red haired girl has suggested that I try to cut back some activities to allow more time with her. The pie-graph beneath is an accurate representation of my time since the engagement party #1. As can be seen here. She has at least 10% of my time available as free time. Admittedly some of that forms tv time, but that should be enjoyed as a couple right?

Anyway, in the end I have agreed to give up Gaelic football this year, freeing up an additioal 2% of my time. That should appease her shouldn't it? Now if only I can work out a way to play Gaelic football in Sydney or Brisbane all my problems would be solved.

Also please note that blogging forms a very small portion of this graph. So much so that the blogging piece is invisible to the human eye. Apparently hawks also cannot pick it up but it is detectable by bats with their sonar technology.


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