I now have something that has fired my up people........INFLATION! Some of you may not care for the financial analysis of everything so hopefully it is suffice to say that the price of fuel and bananas have gone through the roof. The CPI (inflation rate) has increased 4% over the past year and as Gwen Stafani would say "This s**t is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S". Last March Larry took it upon himself to destroy Australia's banana growing industry which has caused a spike price rise of 250%. Recently, I felt like eating a banana because it had been so long since I last had one, but when I got to the shops I discovered to my surprise, that at A$18 a kg for bananas, I would much rather drink a fancy pants bottle of wine than eat a kilo of bananas. After all they are both high in potassium.
So what will the reserve bank do about it do I hear you ask? Well there regular meeting will be next Tuesday and they must surely increase interest rates, but will 25 basis points be enough, not in my opinion, I am asking for 50 (as if it is some kind of public opinion poll). Take note those with home loans, FIX YOUR RATES TODAY.
Furthermore, Perth property prices have now increased to be more expensive than Melbourne, making Perth the second most expensive in Australia only just lagging those poorly-lifestyled over-worked Syndeyites. When the bloody hell did Perth become a city?!?! I have spent all my time thinking it was just a country town with a bad attitude. It is not actually important but all the residents think it is......Similar to New Zealand really.